Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Everyday Metaphors and Similes Add Color to Your Writing

Everyday Metaphors and Similes Add Color to Your Writing Everyday Metaphors and Similes Add Color to Your Writing Metaphors and similes are both whats called figurative language, or figures of speech. Metaphors and similes are literary devices used to compare one thing to another. They add understanding, dimension, and vividness to writing. Metaphors say straight up that one thing is another (love is a flame), deeply connecting one to the other. Similes compare one thing to another using the word like or as (slower than molasses in January), and often are colorful sayings that are indigenous to certain regions of the country. The South is known for its abundance of memorable similes. Metaphors and similes also cut to the chase and say a lot in a few words. For example, rather than saying Bob is Janes old boyfriend; they were very tight for a while, and Im not quite sure whether theres still an attraction there, you can use the metaphor Bob is Janes old flame. An old flame, of course, is an old love that may or may not still burn hot. Metaphors and similes are used extensively in poetry. They are also a basic tool used in most forms of fiction writing. By comparing one thing to another, the writer can evoke a mood or memory, help the reader to make connections, establish a theme, and add interest and color to the writing. These descriptions of a sunset evoke completely different responses: No metaphor or simile: The sun was setting. The sky turned red. Then darkness fell.Both metaphor and simile: The sunset was like a glorious conflagration, blazing with fabulous colors but producing no warmth.  Metaphor: The sun dipped below the horizon, the last gasp of beauty before the death of the day.   Metaphors and Similes in Everyday Speech While many writers use figurative language in descriptions, it can be equally effective to put metaphorical language into characters dialogue. Metaphors and similes are regularly used in the language people use to talk to each other, so characters need not be poets to believably use figurative language. Some metaphors and similes are used so frequently they are sometimes categorized as cliches. Some examples: Fit as a fiddleHappy as a clamShe is an old flameDull as dishwaterSharp as a tackSilent as the graveTime is moneyHe is a pigYou are my sunshine Using Common Metaphors and Similes in Your Fiction It is certainly easy to add metaphors and similes to fiction, and its very often a good idea. But when and how you should use this language to the best effect is a question well worth asking. A cliched or mixed metaphor can sink a perfectly good story.

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